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Health Coaching

Why a focus on the whole family? To make long lasting changes a holistic focus on the whole family’s exercise habits, eating habits and sleeping habits will have a better effect. Many different studies show that children's eating and exercise habits are often linked to the rest of the
family's and parents' approach to food and exercise. Excess weight and physical inactivity affect the risk of developing lifestyle diseases, for example type 2 diabetes. If the parents have type 2 diabetes, the risk of developing the disease as a child or later in life. Studies suggest that if one parent has type 2 diabetes, the child's risk of also developing type 2 diabetes is 40 percent. If both parents have type 2 diabetes, the risk for the child is 80 percent! It is therefore obvious to focus on the whole family in when it comes to health promotion.
Book an appointment and let’s begin.

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Health Coaching

Are you low on energy? Do you want to lose a few pounds? Do you want to do more exercise? Do you want
to make changes in your lifestyle and get more energy? You might not know where to start. I would like to
help you with that. We will create a plan together and I will guide you and motivate you throughout your
life adjustment. Let’s try to hack your day and give you a boost of endorphins.

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